Core RPCs Through Postman

What is Postman

Postman is a popular software offering that makes it easy to create and use APIs.

In this document, we'll cover the very basics of hitting an RPC endpoint with Postman. Is it not intended to be (or to replace) a full, end-to-end tutorial, but rather to offer an introduction to the subject.

Working with RPCs Through Postman

First, you'll need to sign up with an account. Postman makes this very easy to do by manually entering your account details or with a gmail address.

Projects in Postman are organized into "workspaces", so you'll need to make one to test this process.

You can choose from a number of different workspaces. For this example, we're going to use HTTP.

This will take you to a basic workstation, where you can structure your RPC query and get a response back:

First, we'll change the GET request to a POST request, as that's how the query was structured in the previous section. Then, we'll add the RPC URL we want to use to get data related to a specific Core Chain transaction:

Remember that you can use any of the valid Core RPC URLs.

Then, we'll head over to the Body tab and add the data from our prior CURL request (note that we're submitting the request as raw json):

Here's the same data in a format that's easy to copy and paste:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash", "params": ["0xc9c4a5d14857ace0db197c7393806868824763377f802645aacf6f38d9c309b7"], "id":1}

Once we hit Send, we'll get back a bunch of beautiful JSON with all the information we wanted about this transaction:

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