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Get Block Rewards by BlockNo

Returns the block rewards for validating a certain block.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

blocknothe integer block number to check block rewards for eg. 1807242

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Mon Mar 13 08:31:54 UTC 2023",

Get Estimated Block Countdown Time by BlockNo

Returns the estimated time remaining, in seconds, until a certain block is validated.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

blocknothe integer block number to check the countdown time for eg. 2807242

Sample Response


Get Block Number by Timestamp

Returns the block number that was validated at a certain timestamp.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

timestampthe integer representing the Unix timestamp in seconds.
closestthe closest available block to the provided timestamp, either before or after

Sample Response
