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Get Block Rewards by BlockNoโ€‹

Returns the block rewards for validating a certain block.

Try this endpoint in your browser ๐Ÿ”—

Request Query Parameters

blocknothe integer block number to check block rewards for eg. 1807242

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Mon Mar 13 08:31:54 UTC 2023",

Get Estimated Block Countdown Time by BlockNoโ€‹

Returns the estimated time remaining, in seconds, until a certain block is validated.

Try this endpoint in your browser ๐Ÿ”—

Request Query Parameters

blocknothe integer block number to check the countdown time for eg. 2807242

Sample Response


Get Block Number by Timestampโ€‹

Returns the block number that was validated at a certain timestamp.

Try this endpoint in your browser ๐Ÿ”—

Request Query Parameters

timestampthe integer representing the Unix timestamp in seconds.
closestthe closest available block to the provided timestamp, either before or after

Sample Response
