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Get CORE Balance for an Address

Returns the CORE balance of a given address.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the address to check for balance
tagthe string pre-defined block parameter, either earliest, pending or latest

Sample Response


Get a list of Transactions by Address

Returns the list of transactions of a given address.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the addresses to search for transactions
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Tue Jan 10 09:03:10 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Tue Jan 10 09:55:37 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Tue Jan 10 09:55:55 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Tue Jan 10 09:56:07 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Tue Jan 10 09:56:19 UTC 2023",

Get a list of 'Internal' Transactions by Address

Returns the list of internal transactions performed by an address, with optional pagination.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the addresses to search for internal transactions
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Fri Feb 10 10:57:58 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Fri Feb 10 11:04:22 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Fri Feb 10 11:11:58 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Fri Feb 10 11:11:58 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Fri Feb 10 11:25:07 UTC 2023",

Get 'Internal' Transactions by Transaction Hash

Returns the list of internal transactions performed within a transaction.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

txhashthe string representing the transaction hash to search for internal transactions

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:55:49 UTC 2023",

Get 'Internal' Transactions by Block Range

Returns the list of internal transactions performed within a block range, with optional pagination.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:58:13 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:58:13 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:58:13 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:58:13 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Feb 12 06:58:13 UTC 2023",

Get a list of 'ERC-20 Token Transfer Events' by Address

Returns the list of ERC-20 tokens transferred by an address, with optional filtering by token contract.


  • ERC-20 transfers from an address, specify the address parameter
  • ERC-20 transfers from a contract address, specify the contract address parameter
  • ERC-20 transfers from an address filtered by a token contract, specify both address and contract address parameters.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the address to search for ERC-20 transfers
contractaddressthe string representing the token contract address to search for ERC-20 transfers
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Sun Mar 12 05:08:35 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Mar 12 05:12:23 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Mar 12 05:12:23 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Mar 12 05:14:47 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Sun Mar 12 05:22:08 UTC 2023",

Get a list of 'ERC-721 Token Transfer Events' by Address

Returns the list of ERC-721 (NFT) tokens transferred by an address, with optional filtering by token contract.


  • ERC-721 transfers from an address, specify the address parameter
  • ERC-721 transfers from a contract address, specify the contract address parameter
  • ERC-721 transfers from an address filtered by a token contract, specify both address and contract address parameters.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the address to search for ERC-721 transfers
contractaddressthe string representing the token contract address to search for ERC-721 transfers
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page
startblockthe integer block number to start searching for transactions
endblockthe integer block number to stop searching for transactions
sortthe sorting preference, use asc to sort by ascending and desc to sort by descending

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Mon Feb 27 14:27:39 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Mon Feb 27 14:30:21 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Mon Feb 27 14:32:42 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Mon Feb 27 14:36:30 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Mon Feb 27 16:09:33 UTC 2023",

Get list of Blocks Validated by Address

Returns the list of blocks validated by an address.

Try this endpoint in your browser 🔗

Request Query Parameters

addressthe string representing the address to search for validated blocks
blocktypethe string pre-defined block type, blocks for canonical blocks
pagethe integer page number, if pagination is enabled
offsetthe number of transactions displayed per page

Sample Response

"timeStamp":"Wed Mar 22 06:37:31 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Wed Mar 22 06:36:28 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Wed Mar 22 06:35:25 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Wed Mar 22 06:34:22 UTC 2023",
"timeStamp":"Wed Mar 22 06:33:19 UTC 2023",