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Core Mechanics

Core Ignition Dashboardโ€‹


Core Ignition Profileโ€‹

The Core Ignition Profile is a personalized dashboard connected to the user account, allowing users to showcase their achievements and engagement. It enables users to:

  1. Display a customized username and avatar
  2. Connect X (Twitter) and display its profile photo
  3. Track high-level engagement status
  4. Display the badges earned

To update the user profile, click on the profile meatballs menu.

Ignition Profile meatballs menu

Ignition Wallet Balanceโ€‹

Ignition Wallet balance displays a subset of whitelisted assets the account holds on Core. Users can earn Sparks (points) by bridging/holding assets with extra Sparks boost on Core.

Ignition dApp Balanceโ€‹

Ignition dApp balance reflects the assets the user has deposited inside the whitelisted dApps on Core. Users can also boost Sparks by interacting with whitelisted dApps on Core.

How to Boost Sparksโ€‹

Sparks are cumulative points reflecting how active users are in Core ecosystem, updated daily at 00:00 UTC and appear on Leaderboard. Users earn Sparks daily through:

1. Assets in Ignition Wallet Balance: The amount and type of whitelisted assets users bridge to Core will be reflected in the user's Ignition Wallet Balance. By holding these assets on Core, users will earn Sparks. Sparks are calculated daily based on the wallet balance of the user.

2. Activities with Core Ecosystem dApp: Users could also earn Sparks by interacting with whitelisted dApps on Core Ignition. Each on-chain activity with these dApps will contribute Spark points to the user account. More details will be updated soon.

3. Campaign Joined: Core Ignition will feature flash or time-limited campaigns on a rolling basis, offering users special opportunities to supercharge Sparks. Stay connected by checking the in-app campaign sections and following Core's official announcements on X (Twitter) for the latest updates.

4. Invite New Users to Join Ignition: For those new to Core Ignition, bridge $100 USDT worth of whitelisted assets to Core to unlock a permanent invite link. For users who have signed up in Season 1, the invite code is automatically unlocked. By inviting new users to Core Ignition, users will receive 10% of the daily Sparks earned by introducing first-degree invitees and 2% from second-degree invitees. Please note that a cap may apply to the maximum Sparks each user can earn through referrals.

How to Boost Multipliersโ€‹

Multipliers are dynamic variables to multiply Spark points. The multiplier displayed on the user's dashboard reflects the multiplier currently applying to the entire asset of the user. This multiplier is calculated by averaging out the multipliers distributed across the assets.


Below are the baseline multipliers for the whitelisted assets inside the wallet of the user or deposited into various dApps.

Whitelisted AssetsWallet AssetsLendingBorrowingLiquidity Provision
coreBTC, stCORE1.3x2.5x3x3.5x
USDT, USDC1.2x2x2.5x3x
CORE, WCORE, aBTC, wBTC, rBTC solvBTC.b, solvBTC.m, BTCB, BTC.B, wETH1x1.5x2x2.5x

Example 1: If the user holds 10 stCORE in Ignition wallet balance, the user gets:
Daily Sparks = stCORE amount * stCORE price * Multiplier = 10 stCORE * $1.5 (assumed) * 1.3 = 19.5

Example 2: If the user lends 20 stCORE in a Lending Protocol, the user get:
Daily Sparks = stCORE amount * stCORE price * Multiplier = 20 stCORE * $1.5(assumed) * 2.5 = 75

Find out specific Multiplier opportunities in the Explore dApps section:

dApp tab

In addition to holding strategic tokens and deploying assets into various dApps, users can also earn additional Multipliers by taking actions from special campaigns. The multipliers from campaigns can stack on top of the baseline multipliers highlighted above to further boost Sparks. Baseline multipliers are subject to change without prior notice.